Product Details
- Shipping Weight: 28 pounds (View shipping rates and policies)
- ASIN: B000Y1A0BO
List Price :
Price : $1,019.00

Product Description
Super Angel All Stainless Steel Twin Gear Juicer - 3500 Features ; SpecificationsSuper Angel All Stainless Steel Twin Gear Juicer - 3500 Super Angel is the most advanced living juice extractor with all stainless steel construction in the world. Super Angel , celebrating more than 21 years in business, is a worldwide leader of living juice extractor.Super Angel 's technology and quality control through the constant and exhaustive innovation over the past 21 years places theSuper Angel Living Juice Extractor as one of the top in the industry. Super Angel has made daily contributions to the development and future growth of the global health equipment industry. Our Commitment is to provide our valuable customers with quality products and service unparalleled in the juicer industry. It is our privilege to serve our customers in any way we can.Super Angel Living Juice Extractor will juice almost anything from carrot and apples to wheatgrass and spinach. It is not limited to just regular juicing but you can enjoy soy milk and delicious tofu. The revolutionary, all stainless steel design incorporates a twin gear impeller press system that powerfully rotates at a low 86 rpm (the most ideal speed), that can keep all enzymes and nutrients alive in the juice.Super Angel Juicer is perfect for wheat grass, barley grass, leafy greens, herbs and sprouts. We are quite sure that Super Angel Juicer will provide you with the maximum juicing pleasures with the confidence. Super Angel Juicer is a big time saver even when juicing for one person, but especially when juicing for more than one person, or for a whole family.Own the reliable and premium juicer for your peace of mind. We recommend a more reliable, heavy duty constructed, powerful juicer that triturate (crush and grind into very fine particles) and presses with a slow rpm (keeping enzymes intact and generating no heat) that guarantees to juice the more fibrous green vegetables and grasses.Here is to your health, pure and natur
Super Angel All Stainless Steel Twin Gear Juicer- 5500

Costumer Reviews
I wrote a recent review on the Omega Vert and was asked to compare the Angel 5500 with it. The following is a repeat of what was written in my Omega Vert review. ________
After some time with the Angel 5500 and the Omega Vert here is my snapshot showdown between the two machines. Guns loaded with leafy greens, fruits (fresh and frozen) and nuts.
Quantity of juice: The Angel is far superior to the quantity of juice produced compared to the Vert. I even took the remaining pulp from the Vert and fed it to the Angel and it produced enough juice on its own for 3 afternoon shooters.
Quality of juice: As expected the Angel won here. The juice from the Angel did have slight pulp but overall it was smooth and clean tasting. Appearance and taste provided a much deeper vibrancy. I would say the color was 2-3 shades deeper with the Angel juice in contrast to the Vert. Taste was more complex but yet silky with the Angel. Whereas the Omega Vert had a lot of pulp and was bath water foamy. I let the Vert juice settle a bit and then strained which produced a cleaner taste but the color was still not as clear and vibrant.
Heat dissipation: Little difference detected between the two.
Frozen fruit - sorbet test: The Vert won by a mile on this one. It gobbled up all the frozen fruit combos I gave it and churned out very nice sorbet. The Angel produced a syrup mess.
Cleanup: The Omega Vert won by a 10 minute faster clean up. Frankly I'm anal about keeping things new and very clean and it took me 25 minutes to clean up the Angel and aprox 15 minutes for the Vert. I could have speeded up both times by not cleaning the screens as diligently but as I mentioned I'm meticulous when it comes to cleaning. The screen on the Angel is a pain to clean.
Build quality: Despite the all stainless steel on the Angel I believe that the Omega Vert is just as substantial but with hard composites. The Vert's housing is very well made but the machine's parts are in question to longevity. Side note, Omega has a fantastic warranty to fall back upon in case.
I'm torn as which to keep as I can't swing space or expense to keep both. I tend to think I would use the Vert more on a daily bases due to clean up ease. However with the Angel I could get away with juicing every 2-3 days and feel safe that the fridge'd juice is of the same if not higher quality as what I would gain from daily juicing with the Vert. Without a doubt if I juiced on both machines daily the Angel would provide a greater amount of nutrients and quantity than the Vert.
I hope this helps in a snapped out comparison.
Angel Juicer:
INCREDIBLE Juice Yield. The pulp is super dry.
(I use to have a Breville Juice Fountain Plus- The pulp from the Breville(Centrifugal Force Juicer) was very wet. Breville would juice Carrots, Cucumbers, Apples, Even Kale pretty well producing 60% Juice and 40% Pulp. But the Breville was unbelievably easy to clean by comparison. After a year of juicing with the Breville, I got my cleanup time to about 3-4 minutes and then stuck it in the dishwasher and it was ready to go the next day)
Angel Juicer- I can not stress this enough, but the pulp was extremely dry. The angel juices spinach + other greens, brocolli, etc. very very well. It is time consuming to juice since the feed chute is smaller than the breville and the juiceman.
I estimate that the angel produces between 75-85% juice of whatever vegetable or fruit you put in. Even though it seems like you get only 15-20% more juice, the quality is far, far, far, superior than the Breville and the Juiceman.
Now for the bad part:
The cleanup for the angel is way longer. Initially, when I first used the angel juicer, it took me 35 mins to clean. Especially if you juice carrots, the pulp gets lodged inside the holes in the screen.
I originally purchased the angel juicer because I figured there are only 3 parts to clean (2 twin gears and 1 screen). The plus side is that the gears are very easy to clean, just pour water on it and the pulp just rinses away.
The screen is a different story altogether. The screen Length is very long which is great for getting a high juice yield but tough to clean. Your hands can not reach all the way inside so you have to use the included brush and then scrub scrub scrub for a very long time.
(However, I have not tried putting it in the dishwasher or used vinegar to clean it because the juicer is expensive and I did not want the juicer to be damaged with high heat from the dishwasher.)
My recommendation: Its an ok Juicer, I am not sure if I will juice everyday if the total time to juice is over 40 minutes (minimum).
For me, I am going back on the hunt to find a juicer that juices greens as well as the angel does but takes half the time to clean. Hope this helps. :-)
Super Angel All Stainless Steel Twin Gear Juicer- 5500
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